She then refused to eat them, and since the weather is so un-summery (despite all the beach specials, summery fashion shoots and talk of 'high summer' that I keep reading about in the weekend papers), my thoughts turned to pie.
I love Jamie Oliver's pastry recipe, as it's made with a whole load of lemon zest, which just adds a kick to the traditional flavours of apple, blackberry, sugar and cinnamon. My only change was to make it with Trex (vegetable shortening; always referred to as T-Rex in this household) so that I could keep going with my dairy-free pledge for just a little bit longer.
Yes, it's July, and I wish I was complaining about the heat while eating ice cream, but if the terrible weather means that I can bring the flavours of autumn forward by a few months, then I'm not too heartbroken.

Got to love those glorious Manchester summer days.

The only answer is pie - apple and blackberry pie

...with an apple motif

yum, it's like autumn on a plate... hang on, it's July.

Love the colour of those blushing apples though.
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