Since there were lots of boys and girls were going to Martha's 4th birthday party, her mum, Claire, didn't want to have an overly girly theme.
It was fun to get all the bright colours out and make some really vibrant cake decorations. I know Martha likes Hello Kitty, so I couldn't resist doing a couple of Kitty faces for her too.
Chocolate cakes with chocolate buttercream and fondant icing decorations.

I don't normally take photos of the cakes before they're baked, but I just thought they looked so cheerful in their colourful jackets, waiting to go into the oven.

The finished decorations, in the right order.

And the finished, iced and decorated cakes, though not quite in the right order :-)

Kitties, flowers, butterflies, hearts, stars... these are a few of my favourite things.

...all adding up to a sea of colour.

Side view.

Boxed up and ready to go to the party!