This is not because I'm baking less, in fact I'm baking more, as I now have a job working 3 days a week at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon, purveyors of fine tea and cakes, in West Didsbury, Manchester.
Yes, batch baking for the cake-eating market is less creative than the bespoke cakes I've enjoyed making for all of you for the past year and a half, but regular work brings so many other benefits, like meeting new people, learning new skills, and leaving the house every day, not to mention a regular income!
But working every week also means that I find myself too stretched- work, family, Kung Fu and cake baking from home in combination are just too much at the moment- and so I've decided that (for now) the baking business has to go.
I'm sad to move on from Hello There Cupcakes, but happy too- I never could have got the job I have now without having gained the experience and portfolio that all your orders gave me. Thank you all for your support.
I still want to blog about food/baking/cooking/life but I want to distance any baking I do at work from Hello There Cupcakes, so I've set up a new blog: Able Baker Charlie – which is actually the name I would have given my business, had I thought of it in time!

Why Able Baker Charlie? Well, there's the baker reference, of course, he's a character in a Richard Scarry book that I remember from my childhood (and which my kids now love too), and it's the start of the old British phonetic alphabet. Anyone who knows me, will know that I'm a sucker for all of that stuff.
There's not much there yet, but the content is on it's way. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the other side.
Hannah x
Hi Hannah, hope you're well! I'm not sure if you'll get this as I haven't seen recent posts on this/Able Baker Charlie. I've been looking through your posts and they look mouthwateringly good! I'm actually hoping to speak to you about a potential opportunity - not sure if you will be interested? Looking forward to speaking to you, thanks! :)